Monday, July 18, 2011

A small piece of heaven

The mountains are part of heaven for me, as well as the beach.
If I could own a house in both and split my time up between the two for
the rest of my time here on earth, I would!

Shopping and sight seeing. All though I've been to all these places many many times,
I act like I'm a newbie every time I visit. I found some new stores and restaurants that I will return to.
I also went to places that I've come to love.

I found a small piece of heaven when I found this area full of Vera Bradley! I have a weakness for anything V.B. I have several that I need to sell so that I can update my 'collection'. 

Our interesting adventure in Gatlinburg was:
A sarcasm restaurant where the waiters are rude to you. If you have an open mind and give it back to them, it's real fun!
We were seated by a nice hostess who said enjoy your meal, but all the sarcasm was about to hit! The waiter came to our table and handed us a piece of paper to write our drink order on. Thank goodness I had a pen in my wallet! At the top of it we wrote "The Priority Table". He laughed when we gave it to him. He knew we were going to give him a run for his money! lol

Yummy drinks and food! I had a garden salad and crab cakes with fries. Below is Pop trying to eat with straws because the waiter wouldn't give us any eating utensils until the last minute.
We asked for extra napkins and he threw a whole pile at us. (they flew everywhere)
We also asked for 4 cups of ice water with lemon, this is what he brought us. I was being silly and picked up the bucket of water and drank some and passed it around! It was hilarious!
If you ever get the chance to go to one of these restaurants, do it, but make sure you have an open mind. Yes, they are rude and talk back, but that is part of their character. And tell Dick I said Hello!

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© The Carolina Country Girl
Maira Gall