Sunday, September 11, 2011

This Time will Never be Forgotten

This weekend was and will always be in my heart.

This day was a day that no one will forget. The whole United States of America was affected by this tragic event. When the Twin Towers and the World Trade Center was attacked and many people lost their lives.
A Sad, Sad day.

Twenty-four years ago on September 10, a baby boy was born. That baby was my little Brother.


He was my only brother, my only sibling. I miss him.
Almost 3 years ago in November, he was drinking and driving, hit a tree and died instantly. The tree was right behind my parents house. We were all devistated. I will post more on it later.

My Hometown; Home of the SC Apple Festival

The South Carolina Apple Festival celebrates the beginning of apple harvest season in Oconee County, the largest apple-producing area in the state. The annual festival draws thousands of visitors to the Westminster area every year since 1961.The Apple Festival offers something for everyone in the family and most of the events are free and are planned with the entire family in mind. I have always enjoyed the SC Apple Festival and highly recommend going.

 The Apple Festival events include a Friday afternoon parade, Saturday and Sunday all day Festival with Vendors of all kinds on Main Street. From Crafts to food, rides and music. You can even play the SC lottery! There is even a rodeo Friday and Saturday night.

We enjoyed it all this weekend, although this year we did not go to the rodeo.

Does your hometown have an annual festival? If so, tell me about it. I LOVE to travel! ;)



  1. I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother. I cant imagine how hard it is on you and your family. I'm sorry. The best thing is to keep him in your thoughts and remember all the wonderful times you guys spent together. I'll send prayers your way. I know it's hard. Enjoy your Monday.

  2. Thank you Ryan! It was very hard at first but it has gotten a little easier to take. He was a great guy. Oh, I'm loving your office by the way! You can come decorate my house here in SC anytime! :]


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© The Carolina Country Girl
Maira Gall