Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Girls Trip 2011

Happy Tuesday Y'all! Well Monday was Manic alright and so chaotic! I was tired from the weekend and needed a day of rest. [Not that I got any!]  The Girls Trip went FaBuLoUs! The weather was great although some places traffic was not the best! We went to an AMAZING boutique type warehouse called Beehive Wholesale. Again, AMAZING! We spent nearly 2 hours in this store! It was huge and filled with jewelry, home decor, furniture, rainboots, Yellow Box Flip Flops, Crocs, purses, luggage, totes, etc! I can't express how great it is!
link to our siteEngravables:ESB01MB03Bella 01- Bella Collection Display

We also ate at the OLD MILL Restaurant! Gah you have to starve yourself for days in order to eat here! They are not stingy with their portions that is for sure! If you order the Pork Chops, you get three! This doesn't count the salad, corn chowder, and fritters that are served before the main course! They also give you dessert, but who has room after all the other?!?
I took some really great pictures while we were here and I will post some tomorrow!
Y'all have a FANTASTIC DAY!

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© The Carolina Country Girl
Maira Gall