Friday, July 26, 2019

It's About Damn Time Y'all!

*ahem* Is this thing on? 🎤
It's been a coons age since I've blogged but I think I need to start using this outlet again! It's been sitting dormant for FAR too long!

So let's unpack my bags and get started! 

I started this blog many, many moons ago. Eight whole years ago to be exact. I've gained so many friendships from this blog. Many whom I still connect with regularly through social media. Gotta love it! I wouldn't trade their friendship for anything! Some people don't understand it but the ones who do know what we have!

So What have I been up to? Well, here's the short version. (I save you from the long boring one. Ha!) I've been working, living, battling anxiety and depression, remodeling a house, being lazy and not cleaning my own, add a few trips and mood swings in between, and that about sums it up! It's been one hell of a roller coaster. I've alive and well for the most part. But I working on being more alive and the best version of my self! 

My plan is to document it all here. The journey of living with myself in my head, my anxiety, my depression and the fun stuff too! So get ready for some regular posts! I am so glad to be back in the blog saddle! Check back soon!

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Maira Gall