Friday, March 11, 2016

My Life in its CURRENT state


Loving ~ That Spring weather is riding the coat tails of Winter weather! I cannot express to you how happy this makes me! With Spring coming we can be outside more, camp more, enjoy life a lot more instead of the cabin fever blues! 

Making ~ Nothing. Well, I have two unfinished projects that I started last weekend. I hope that I can make myself finish them by Easter so that can at least be hung up to enjoy a few days before Easter is over. 

Reading ~ Blog posts! I have always kept up with what's going new with my blog friends but I am finally venturing out more like I used to! So if you blog and want me to read just leave me a link to it in the comments! I will leave you some love to let you know I read it too!

Looking forward to ~ OHHHH SOOOO MUCH!!!! This weekend I am going on a girl's trip! If you've been a follower for some time you know I love a good all girl's get away! It's been WAY too long! I am also looking forward to next week! We will be headed to Surfside for a car show! I am excited to get away from reality for a little while. Speaking of getting away from reality I've somehow talked the Hubs into going on a cruise!!! What tha What? I know! This year is our 10 year anniversary and I thank the Good Lord above that we are financially able to take this trip this year! Where are we headed? The BAHAMAS!!! I am soooo excited! It has been a very long time since we've gone somewhere over night without Zane. It will be hard being away from him but we need it! 

Wishing ~ I wish things all the time don't you? Right now I wish that work would simmer down and not be crazy! I've done some major praying about it. God's got this! I am also wishing that Spring will soon take over and be a gorgeous one for all of us to enjoy!

Enjoying ~ I am enjoying going to church, having more outside time, and just enjoying everyday life! 

Wondering ~ What in the world will we get into on this cruise? There is no telling with us! We are currently trying to decide on what excursions to do! I know there is lots to do on the boat too! We will be on the Carnival Ecstasy. Have you ever been on this boat? If so what was you favorite things to do?

Hoping ~
Well if you can't tell by now, I am ready for Spring! All things warm, green, and colorful! 

Smelling ~ I am currently smelling the chick biscuit that I shouldn't have eaten for breakfast this morning!

Feeling ~ Excited, anxious, happy, giddy, and tickled to death! For all the things that God has brought my way and done for me lately. He has guided me and kept me in line! 

Praying ~ Praying that the unsettled things going on lately quit simmering and settle once and for all. I can't really explain this but just know it's made my heart heavy.

On a lighter note, it's FRIDAY! You ain't got nothing to do....Aw yes you do! You're probably supposed to be working like I am, so let's get to it and get to 5 o'clock somewhere! 

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© The Carolina Country Girl
Maira Gall