Monday, January 28, 2013

I Confess...

We all know that Mondays suck a big fat crusty toe but let's try to make the most of it, okay?!?
My weekend was pretty laid back. I did get to go out with some friends again. We had a great time.
How was yours?


  • I don't like soups. Except potato soup or chili beans, but that really isn't a soup to me.
  • I like to gossip. I don't spread it, but I love to hear it and talk about it. The harmless kind.
  • I try to be the better person, but sometimes it is so damn hard to bite my tongue.
  • I'd rather eat out than have to cook and clean up afterwards.
  • I would pay someone to do my laundry if I could afford to.
  • I don't like wine or champagne.
  • I prefer this:
That's right! Legal Moonshine Baby!
  •  I refuse to eat left overs. There are only a few things I will eat that were made the day before.
  • I've tried coffees, mochas, etc...that shiz is nasty! Not for me!
  • I love Dr. Pepper, but it has to be fountain Dr. Pepper! Not from a can or a bottle!
  • I would like to only work part time so that I can be a better wife and mother! IMHO I feel like working 8 hours takes too much time from that.
  • I'm concided for the most part. Not so much that I think I am better than you. Cause I'm FAR from that! I just feel good in my own skin a majority of the time. We all know that we can't feel that way 24/7. Women are moody. Duh!
  •  I tried Nutella for the first time this weekend. I'm gonna be addicted! Thanks Kelli!


  1. Apple Pie Moonshine is de-lish... and this is coming from someone who really doesn't drink that much, ha! And I completely agree, working 8 hours and being a mother and a wife - ain't nobody got time for that!

  2. Apple Pie Moonshine!! Now that is worth a shot!! Wonder if they would ship it?! LOL! Oh and I hate leftovers too! ;) Have a great week!

  3. That moonshine yum yum and yum I think Ill take some of that with the Nutella. My hubbs will not eat a leftover either it drives me crazy. You are a great mom and wife but I know what you mean and if I had the dollars I would have a housekeeper I hate housework I dont mind laundry so I will do your laundry if you clean my house lol
    Im hosting a GiveAway

  4. I love leftovers! I have to get my hands on that moonshine. Mom has been wanting to try it. She's coming to visit next month. I'm going to chat with my doc this week and see if it's ok to have a drink every now and then. Soberism (is that a word) is killing me.

  5. Okay I'm so HAPPY I stumbled across your blog!!! You are thee cutest and so funny, I LOVE this post!!!

  6. I tried Nutella for the first time a few weeks ago. That same little snack pack. It's gooood! :)

  7. I love how open and honest you are...and funny too! I feel ya on the cooking, laundry, trying to be a better person (so hard sometimes), hating leftovers (but I have to eat way too much of it lately due to my crazy schedule, wanting to work less and be with the family more, Dr. Pepper (the absolute best soda although I know how bad it is for Diet for me!). I wish I was the confident (I think that is the more appropriate term) person that you are. Be proud, girl! Oh and I haven't really tried the nutella craze yet. I really have never been a fan of hazelnut although I did have the newest flavor of frozen yogurt at Pinkberry which was chocolate hazelnut and really loved it so I would probably like the nutella. Perhaps I should continue to abstain to prevent becoming an addict? Haha!


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Maira Gall