Thursday, February 14, 2013

Oh Happy Day!

*sings* Oh happy dayyy! Everybody now...Oh HAPPY DAY-AYYY!!!


These are the valentines that Zane and I made for his class! I'm proud to say I came up with this on my own. No Pinterest needed! hollla!
To all of you single ladies out there, fear not, this day can be a great one if you make it that way! Pile up on the couch and watch some of the best movies ever! Like the 10 that my girl Erica from Fashion Meets Food picked out!

I'm kind of bummed that I will not be spending this Valentine's Day with my husband. It's okay, we can handle it! We sent each other gifts! I cannot wait for him to get his! In his package there are 6 days worth of gifts leading up to his birthday on the 19th! My cousin Amy pictures last night of the first gift! (Amy! love ya!)

Honey, I love you but you need to shave! ;) Also, your stance in the second photo resembles Tickle from Moonshiners, stand up straight. Love you bunches!

 photo IMG_1366e.jpg

A while back I ordered myself a new camera strap! I got one from Lori at See Lori Sew on etsy. God bless Esty! I swear that place is amazing! This is a great quality strap, not a strap cover, like a lot of them are. I also ordered it extra long so that I could wear it like a crossbody. I feel when I am not using it and walking it doesn't bounce everywhere when I wear it that way. If you are in the market for a camera strap, check out See Lori Sew! Tell her I sent ya!


  1. How cute is that shirt you got for your hubby! I'm sorry you won't spend today with him, but at least you can snuggle up with your little Valentine! I can't wait to go home and snuggle with my two babies!

  2. Such a cute KAZOO Valentine!!

    And that shirt - LOVE it.

    Have a great Valentine's Day!

  3. I love those valentines....great ideas, mom! The Tickle reference....hilarious! I thought I was the only one who wore their camera like that. Ha! It also keeps you from banging the camera on little heads when you bend over them. ;-)

  4. lol... Love the shirt! Happy Valentines day my friend!

  5. Those valentines are awesome!! I was boring and did store bought ones. That shirt you sent Steve is great! What did he send you?

  6. Holla! Now every parent is wanting to kick your ass! And the tshirt .. Priceless! Do make them that say my ex thinks I am a douche!


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Maira Gall