Friday, June 15, 2012

Happy Friday you shmexy reader you!


Dearest Little Big Town, You always have a way to get a song stuck in my head. Thanks! Love Pontoon! (you can thank me later) Dearest Raven,  You rock! That vlog link-up was awesome! I enjoyed seeing everyone who participated! Even though mine was a POS a quit working within a day! It's fixed now! Dearest BFF, I sure wish you blogged! You would love it and I could image all the fun we would have with both of us blogging! Dearest Mo, Five weeks or so and we will get to shove margaritas down our throats! Well, they won't have to shove them, we will gladly take them! Dearest Moma, I love you so very much! You are my best friend! Don't sweat the small stuff! Dearest home DSL, YOU SUCK! I need you to work properly or get the heck out! Capeesh? Dearest Weekend, Please be gentle. Will ya? That's all I ask. Moving furniture and boxes is not my cup of tea!

P.S. You will also notice that my email address has changed. I have been meaning to do this for quite sometime, but just now getting around to it. So now all my blog comments and stuff will go to!



  1. My mom has been going on and on about that song! I'm so glad you posted this so I can finally hear it.

  2. Oh my gosh that song is so catchy!


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© The Carolina Country Girl
Maira Gall